
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Metro Dumps Riverbend

Today Metro sent a strong message to Waste Management when the Metro Council voted to prohibit sending waste to Riverbend Landfill after 2019.

Dump expansion opponents have been working toward this day for years and were gratified that the Metro Council voted "to do the right thing."

According to Stop the Dump Coalition President Ilsa Perse, Metro Councilors Stacey, Chase, Harrington, Collette, and Craddick all spoke eloquently about their belief that it was time Metro stopped contributing to current and future environmental issues at Riverbend.  The Councilors acknowledged that landfilling may be the cheapest way to dispose of waste, but argued that cost savings don't make it right to dump that waste at a landfill in an environmentally sensitive location.

Councilor Harrington added that her vote reflected her values.  She stated that her constituents in Washington County do not want to continue using Riverbend.

The new ordinance prevents Metro from sending waste to any landfill that must expand (or be built) in order to accept that waste.  The prohibition goes into effect when Metro enters into new hauling contracts beginning in 2020, but applies to any landfill that expands or is constructed after today.

The Metro Council was convinced that its commitment to a "green" future was in jeopardy if it sent future waste to an expanded landfill, given that nearly 500 years of landfill capacity already exists within easy reach of Metro's boundaries.

Metro's decision may not keep Waste Management from pressing forward with its expansion at Riverbend.  The company is on record as saying that without Metro's garbage an expanded landfill is not financially viable.  However, at a meeting earlier this month, WM's lobbyist told the Metro Council that Riverbend would expand with or without Metro's garbage.  The expansion, of course, is tied up in court.

Perse said Stop the Dump Coalition and its allies "are so thankful for the support of those five councilors."  Stacey especially worked hard to develop information that would convince his fellow Councilors that continued use of Riverbend would undermine Metro's ideals.  These Councilors deserve the hearty thanks of all who want to see Riverbend close.  You can thank them at

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